Hands-On with Networking Commands: A Practical Guide 🚀

Hands-On with Networking Commands: A Practical Guide 🚀


3 min read


Networking is an essential part of modern computing, and understanding networking commands can help troubleshoot issues, analyze traffic, and optimize performance. In this guide, we’ll cover fundamental networking commands like ping, traceroute, netstat, curl, and dig, with real-world examples.

1️⃣ ping - Check Network Connectivity

What It Does:

The ping command checks if a host is reachable by sending ICMP echo request packets and measuring response time.


ping google.com

Real-World Example:

✅ Check if a server is online before troubleshooting a website issue. ✅ Test network latency to a remote server.

2️⃣ traceroute / tracert - Trace Packet Routes

What It Does:

traceroute (Linux/macOS) and tracert (Windows) show the path that packets take to reach a destination.


traceroute google.com  # Linux/macOS
tracert google.com     # Windows

Real-World Example:

✅ Identify network bottlenecks affecting website speed. ✅ Diagnose ISP-related issues.

3️⃣ netstat - Network Statistics

What It Does:

netstat displays active network connections, listening ports, and routing tables.


netstat -tulnp  # Show all open ports on Linux
netstat -ano    # Windows equivalent

Real-World Example:

✅ Identify processes using network ports. ✅ Detect suspicious connections for security analysis.

4️⃣ curl - Make HTTP Requests

What It Does:

curl fetches data from URLs, allowing interaction with APIs and web servers.


curl -I https://www.example.com  # Get HTTP headers
curl -X GET https://api.example.com/data  # API request

Real-World Example:

✅ Test API responses before integrating into an application. ✅ Check if a website is accessible from the command line.

5️⃣ dig / nslookup - DNS Lookup

What It Does:

dig (Linux/macOS) and nslookup (Windows) query DNS servers for domain information.


dig google.com  # Linux/macOS
nslookup google.com  # Windows

Real-World Example:

✅ Verify DNS propagation after domain updates. ✅ Find IP addresses associated with a domain.

Cheat Sheet of Networking Commands 📌

A handy cheat sheet summarizing these commands can help you troubleshoot faster. Here’s a simple format:

pingCheck connectivityping google.com
traceroute / tracertTrace packet pathtraceroute google.com
netstatShow network statsnetstat -tulnp
curlFetch URL datacurl -I https://example.com
dig / nslookupDNS lookupdig google.com


Mastering these networking commands is crucial for troubleshooting, debugging, and securing network connections. Whether you're a DevOps engineer, system administrator, or tech enthusiast, these tools empower you to analyze and optimize your network efficiently.

🚀 Which command do you use the most? Let’s discuss in the comments!